It’s been a busy term for the year 9 ADP with online learning to start off the term and self-motivated...
In honour of Women In Engineering Day on Tuesday June 23rd, a group of senior students showed off their talents...
Year 9 Art students have their ‘Growth and Decay’ sculptures ready for the kiln. We cannot wait to see these once they are finalised....
Congratulations to all Year 12 Art students who have completed their major body of work. They have risen above the...
Varsity College is built on Kombumerri land. In preparation for NAIDOC week, the students of 2E have been involved in...
Over 3000 schools and 100,000 students around the world explore 22 languages with Languagenut, and VC are currently sitting 2nd in the world rankings. Not only that, Ryota (Y6) and Ojas (Y5) are currently sitting at number 10 and 14 in the world respectively. Amazing work Ryota and Ojas! The...
Aaron Clark who graduated from Varsity College in the class of 2019, has now graduated from Navy recruit school and...
Our QCE instrumental music students have been able to attend three small group rehearsals over the last few weeks. Ensembles...
Year 5 and 6 students adapted readily to the prescribed lessons posted via OneNote for remote learning. Routine lessons included regular number challenges, brain-teasers, Maths Olympiad practice questions, game-of-the-week and a re-vamped HOD’s window problem, as well as a mystery photograph of a campus location that features some kind of...
This week Mrs Bodley unveiled our 2020 Senior Shirt design to our year 6 students. All students had the opportunity...
I wanted to share this wonderful story of family, selflessness and charity. As you all know we were unable to...
Monday morning February 24, the Primary campus held its 2020 Leadership Induction Assembly. Campus Captains, Year 6 Leaders, House Captains and Ambassadors were all recognised with the presentations of leadership badges and certificates. The Honourable Ray Stevens State member Merrimac, and Cr. Hermann Vorster Div. 11 Gold Coast City Council...