Despite the challenges of remote learning, Maths Aspire has gained momentum throughout term 2.
Several students thrived on the opportunities provided by remote learning by seeking additional feedback and extension work on their own personal OneNote pages.
Our location scavenger hunt was a real hit with many students enjoying this new feature, cleverly analysing the mathematics of various school locations.

Maths Olympiad competition continued remotely for rounds 1 and 2 but for round 3 it was a welcome return to the regular means of completing the competition alongside classmates and obtaining some instant feedback.
In our final week of term, year six students analysed “The Game of Life” where communities and organisms represented by coloured counters went through generations of births and deaths, sometimes achieving states of stability or oscillation while at other times dying out through isolation or overcrowding. No organisms or coloured counters were harmed in the playing of this game.

Our final day culminated in the choice of playing any of the games of the week presented throughout term 2 including chess, Chinese checkers, sprouts, squares and challenge.
Or elite mathematicians explored algebraic formulae, quadratic equations, ways to efficiently pack circles and squares, and numbers in other bases. As we discovered, there are 10 kinds people in this world: Those who understand binary and those who don’t.