A twenty-first century gold rush of sorts took place outside the 5DE classroom recently when word of a gold discovery...
Our Year 3 cohort of students have kicked off their Digital Technology lessons with a fantastic first session using our...
The first week of Prep for 2020 has been outstanding! Our prep teachers and support staff have commented on how settled their classes are and how well our new students have coped with the transition from day care to school. We have experienced minimal tears in the mornings, however those...
UNSW Global ICAS Competitions have concluded for 2019 with certificates having finally arrived for distribution in class and on assembly....
Our senior students are well and truly back into the swing of things now! In week 3, the Leadership Induction...
Welcome back to the new school year. Students are certainly looking well rested and excited with anticipation for their new year-level classes. Who can believe that it is 2020? The beginning of a new decade, an exciting time to be alive. The United Nations has declared 2020 as the International...
Last night, we said farewell to the Class of 2019 at our Year 12 Graduation ceremony held at the Gold...
Last night, we hosted our Year 6 Graduation ceremony at the Gold Coast Convention Centre. It was a truly a...
It’s been a very exciting week on the college oval with the Year 7 HPE and ADP classes engaging in the MyGolf Sporting Schools Program run by Lee Harrington from Golf Australia. With the support of the Sporting Schools Grant, we have been able to provide an amazing opportunity for...
There was much excitement among the Year 1 children during their fire safety incursion. The students listened to important information...
Our Prep students celebrated with their fathers at the Prep Father’s Day BBQ. Lots of fun activities were organised by...
Students from Years P-6 recently represented Varsity College at the Gold Coast Interschool Teams Chess Championship held at Carrara on Wednesday, 28 August. This signifies Varsity College’s return to interschool competition after a break of several years. Nearly 900 students from schools across the South Coast Region who took part...