National Science Week “Species Survival: More than just Sustainability”

This week saw the celebration of National science week focusing on the theme Species survival: more than just sustainability.

Tuesday Lunch 1, our science team put on a demonstration showing the amazing properties of Liquid Nitrogen which has a boiling point of -196oC. Our Secondary students had the chance to see the effects it has on real world materials like flowers and bananas, what happens when you mix it with soapy water and the compressing and expansion effects when balloons are stored in it and taken out again. 

Wednesday during Lesson 1, our Academic Pillar captains braved the weather to visit our Year 4 classes to talk about forces, as aligned to their unit of study, where they worked in teams to build crash landing pods for the egg drop experiment. This supported the year 4’s in their science understanding while continuing to foster our cross campus relationships. 

Also during Lesson 1, our AMS Year 7-10 students were treated to a science show presented by Street Science. They learnt all about the fragile nature of ecosystems, our species and different aspects of our atmosphere. There were also some experiments that produced a bang – which they all enjoyed immensely. 

Wednesday Lunch 1 on the secondary campus, our Academic Pillar captains helped facilitate a student vs teacher science week trivia. While the students put in a good fight the teachers came out victorious!!

Thursday Lunch 1, students were invited to make genetic sequence bracelets. They were identifying different genetic physical features on themselves and creating a coloured bracelet of their traits. 

In addition to the activities hosted on Campus, on Wednesday, a group of 8 students from Years 5, 6 and 7 attended the Greenheart Cluster STEM challenge hosted at Bond University. It was an incredible day with a keynote address by Dr. Daryl McPhee, a renowned shark expert, who shared fascinating insights about sharks and their vital role in ecosystems, followed by our students demonstrating outstanding collaboration and creative thinking to solve problems. In the end, the combined scores from our 2 Varsity teams earned 3rd place overall in the competition.

There was also a bonus challenge where each team received a single A4 piece of paper and were tasked with using only scissors to create a paper ring large enough to fit over one student’s entire body without breaking. The Varsity team took it to the next level, crafting a paper ring that fit over all eight members of their team!