Services Australia has payments available to support you with further study or training after high school. This includes if you’re going on to university, TAFE or starting an apprenticeship.
The main payments are Youth Allowance for students and Australian Apprentices and ABSTUDY.
There’s also Youth Allowance for job seekers if you’re looking for work or studying part time.
The Services Australia website can help you learn more about these payments and how to claim.
You can use the Services Australia Payment and Service Finder to get an estimate of how much your fortnightly payment could be.
Claim a payment using a Centrelink online account linked to myGov. Even if you haven’t been accepted into your course, claim up to 13 weeks before your course starts. That way you’re more likely to have your payment when you need it. You can update your course later, if you need to.
Find payments for regional and remote students
There are other payments for students who move away from regional and remote areas for study. These include a one-off payment of up to $5,000 for students going straight to tertiary study without a gap year.
Find out what you could get
Find out what support you can get after leaving school on Services Australia’s website at
Know what you’re eligible for so you know your options.