Due to the impacts of COVID-19 we had a modified regatta season this year; only competing in three regattas in September. The first GCRASRA Regatta saw our athletes place within the top four, 11 times out of a total of 22 races we competed in. Similarly, the second GCRASRA Regatta saw our athletes place within the top four, 15 times out of a total of 20 races we competed in. The State Championship Regatta proved a challenging event however, our athletes had some fantastic racing, and all should be commended for their efforts.
Over the course of this season there have been a few highlights which deserve a special mention. The following athletes achieved 1st place:
- Lilybeth Oerton: Schoolgirls Year 8 Single Scull
- Charles Hill: Schoolboys Novice Single Scull
- Ziad Elgemizy: Schoolboys Year 10 Single Scull

Of course, without the continual support from our outstanding parents, regattas would not run as smoothly as they do. Their willingness to assist is first-rate and greatly appreciated. Week 5 of Term 4 marks the conclusion of the College rowing program for the 2020 season. However, there will be an off-season program available (outside of the school program) throughout summer where athletes can refine their technical skills and improve their fitness levels ready for the 2021 regatta season. More information to come in the next few weeks.

Additionally, we are now seeking expressions of interest from students wishing to join our fantastic rowing community for the 2021 season – please contact Mr Robbie Andrews (rjand2@eq.edu.au) in the HPE Department for any further enquires. Our rowing program supports students through their various stages of development and provides fundamental skills to assist with life outside school. We look forward to welcoming you to our team!!
James Harcombe
Rowing Head Coach