Year 6 Brain Break Skipping

Check out the amazing skipping skills of our 6B and 6E students. Both of these classes enjoy skipping for 10 minutes during the morning session each day. The classes have learnt not only how to do double-dutch but have found interesting ways to enter and exit the double ropes. Some students have been working at performing tricks and incorporating fancy foot movements.

Our year 6 classes are not the only classes who enjoy breaking their morning session up with movement. These active brain breaks allow for student brains to replenish after being depleted due to concentrating for long periods of time. Our students have been enjoying activities including Just Dance, yoga, meditation activities and skipping with their fellow class mates and teachers. These movement breaks are not only fun but beneficial to learning as it increases attention and productivity in class. It also increases the flow of oxygen and blood in the body and promotes physical exercise.