Year 9 AMS students competed in the 2021 Varsity College Spaghetti Bridge Building Competition on Monday this week. Students were tasked with researching, designing and building the strongest bridge possible from spaghetti and glue. Students spent the day getting creative and collaborating using their 21st century skills.

Once students had researched and designed their bridge they got to use hot glue guns to execute their creative vision. All students were actively engaged and enjoyed the activity thoroughly.
The students’ bridges were tested with the Vernier Structures and Materials Tester at the end of the day. The winning team was decided on how well they met the design specifications, the strength of their structure and the aesthetics of the bridge as voted by their peers.

The winning team, comprised of Max, Joey, Xavier and JJ, had their bridge withstand a force of 101.3 Newtons! Well done boys!