Our prep students were treated to a wonderfully engaging puppet show presented by Timbarra Productions. The colourful stage and familiar...
Year 9 AMS students competed in the 2021 Varsity College Spaghetti Bridge Building Competition on Monday this week. Students were...
On Tuesday this week, Year 8 AMS students participated in the 2021 Varsity College AMS Catapult Challenge. Students were tasked with building a catapult from craft supplies to be able to compete in two different challenges: Longest range and most accurate. Students began the day researching catapult designs and the...
Four tenacious Varsity College Alumni were awarded the Duke of Edinburgh’s highest achievement by His Excellency the Honourable Paul de...
On Tuesday our youngest students were visited by members of the Deadly Choices team as part of their NAIDOC themed...
Earlier today, our College played host to a range of Olympic athletes who spent time with students across both campuses. Among the athletes were College Alumni students, Kiah Melverton & Maddison Gough, who just last week qualified for the Australian Swim team. You can learn more about their achievements by...
This week not one, but two incredible Varsity College Alumni secured their place in the Australian Olympic Team heading for...
Our Year 6 students are cutting a stylish figure in their new senior polo shirts. The bold design allows our senior students to stand out as leaders of our school and visibly represent Varsity as our graduating cohort of the 20th Anniversary year. There is always much excitement around the...
With the return of Gala Sport Day this week for the first time since 2019, we saw years 5 and...
After a hiatus in 2020, we welcomed back GIPSA (Greater Independent Public Schools Alliance) competition today for 2021. With almost...
Last week, Year 11 Geography students visited Fraser Island, the world’s largest sand island’ to analyse the impacts of the island’s remoteness on transport and accessibility. Students visited the world renowned locations of Lake McKenzie, Lake Wobby, Champagne Pools and Eli Creek!...