On Sunday 25th July, 14 Varsity students participated in the 2021 Gold Coast Languages Speech Contest at Griffith University. There were students from both public and private schools competing in this year’s competition across a number of languages. Our Chinese students achieved great results this year.

Year 4 Background: Zhiqing Tan Highly commended
Year 5 Non-background: Amali Humphrey 5th place
Year 6 Background: Christina C 3rd place
Year 6 Non-background: Elke Graham Highly commended
Year 7-8 Background: Xinyu Tan 1st place
Year 10 Non-background: Ciara Glynn 1st place
Han, Ton 2nd place
Congratulations to all the contestants! They are ALL the winners as they are learning another language as a tool, which will expedite their success in the future. And a huge thank you to all of our Chinese teachers across both campuses, especially Ms Debbie Li and Ms Karen Chuang who accompanied the students on the day.