Dance and Drama Showcase with our Talented Students!

The Varsity College Dance and Drama Showcase was a remarkable display of the hard work and talent from our students in the Drama Club, Dance Troupe, and Year 9 Aspire Drama. With a packed auditorium, the evening began with an energetic group dance number to “Circus / Applause,” choreographed by Miss Burton. The Drama Club then captivated the audience with their original piece about life at school.

The showcase continued with impressive dance solos from Year 7 students Tayla and Mia. This was followed by a heartfelt rendition of “Seventeen” from the musical *Heathers* by Year 10 students Link and Lilyana. The grand finale featured the Year 9 Aspire Drama class performing “Flowers in Antarctica” as part of QLD Theatre’s Scene Project.

The evening was a testament to the dedication and creativity of our students and staff, leaving the audience thoroughly entertained and inspired.