Introducing Varsity Life

Welcome to Varsity Life, our new storytelling platform!

What is Varsity Life you might ask… Varsity Life is an interactive digital news platform designed to replace the traditional Varsity College Newsletter format. This centralised and user-friendly platform allows parents, and the broader community, to access all of the College’s latest news and stories – how you want, when you want, wherever you want.

Life at Varsity College moves incredibly fast. Keeping up with events and the latest Varsity news can be a full time job! In a fast paced world, where having information at your fingertips is vital, Varsity College is looking to streamline our newsletter platform with the introduction of Varsity Life.

How does it work?

With a custom-built interface that maximises user experience, you, our readers will be able to sort news items by Cohort, Faculty, or College Pillar, thereby tailoring their online experience.

This move away from the traditional newsletter format allows us to transition from a monthly publication schedule to a daily one. We will update the platform as events happen, allowing us to share our news in real-time.

Navigate to your desired category using the navigation bar.

Readers also have the option to subscribe to a ‘weekly email blast’ that summarises the latest posts on the platform, with clear links to the items themselves for further details.

We are excited to launch this initiative in our college, and we hope that it will give you an insight into the vibrant life of Varsity. Enjoy!