Emma Miller was an strong advocate for workers’ and women’s rights in Queensland during the last century. The Queensland Council of Unions hosts the Emma Miller Awards as a tribute to the pioneering spirit of this extraordinary woman.
Ms Dearlove has been recognised for her exceptional work in this field as she has been a dedicated school-based Queensland Teacher’s Union representative at multiple schools for many years.

*An edited excerpt from The QCU Emma Miller Awards program recognises Ms Dearlove’s exceptional work.
Ms Dearlove has championed teachers’ rights and is a cherished member of the Gold Coast Area Council and President of her local QTU branch, successfully combining full time teaching with the role of White Ribbon Ambassador and her extensive honorary QTU positions.
Surviving extraordinary domestic violence and using her experience to support others, Ms Dearlove’s commitment to eliminating family and domestic violence and empowering individuals to make a positive difference is a significant and dynamic point of difference.
Her energy and unrelenting positivity truly differentiates her from others. She is respected as an exemplary classroom practitioner, she is an awarded industry leader in the field of VET/Hospitality, her diplomacy and professionalism are recognised by peers and school leaders within her school and beyond.
Congratulations Ms Dearlove! We are so proud of your achievements and feel incredibly lucky to call you one of our own.