Varsity College made a pledge in 2018 – We don’t stand by. We stand together! This pledge continues to underpin our philosophy in this arena. We led into the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence (NDAB) with a suite of educational activities, including focused lessons in Prep to Year 6, Positive Education Lessons in Years 7 -10 and a guest speaker from Reconnect for Seniors. Our Year 10 mentors developed campaigns to share with our Year 7 students as part of the Connect 7 Program.
We will combine our plans for NDA with our plans for Harmony Day making sure the message of looking after each other, accepting difference and developing understanding underpins our work with students over these weeks. Further, our tuckshops sold international foods to highlight the rich diversity of cultures we have embraced in Australia. The students embraced the chance to try food from different cultures as was evidenced by a roaring trade and record sales for the day on both campuses.