Students participated in a full day study of the Upper Nerang River catchment which consolidated theory taught in Science this term about the water cycle and land use surrounding catchment areas.
Through exploring the river from its origin at the top of Numinbah Valley through to Hinze Dam, students gained a deeper understanding of the water cycle, how a catchment works, and recognised the importance of water as a vital resource.

Students carried out biological and chemical tests at multiple sites along the river to determine the health of the waterway. They found and classified macroinvertebrates including toe biters, yabbies, fish, water striders, larvae, mayfly nymphs and spiders. Students then visited Hinze Dam and learned how water is treated and then supplied to their houses.
After students were split up into smaller groups, it was great to see the students working collaboratively to test for Nitrates in the water sample, and the amount of encouragement heard from each student was awesome.