Who was your favourite teacher?
A lot of my teachers were really good, but, I’d have to say Mr.Sutherland for always being down to play Basketball or Rugby with the boys and Ms.Kuipers for being a really great teacher and person, caring about her students and travelling the world.
What is your best memory of Varsity College?
The Handball and Basketball games we’d play on break! The whole grade was really into handball and then in Year 12, we’d always play against the Year 10s and 11s in Basketball in the Hall.
Do you keep in touch with your friends from school?
Not being on the Gold Coast makes it a little difficult, but, I still keep in touch with a lot of my friends from Varsity. We had a really good grade where everyone was cool with each other so to this day I still speak to and FaceTime a lot of my friends and have plans to catch up with everyone when I go back to Australia.
What are you doing now?
Right now I’m living in Los Angeles, California, and have been since February last year, playing Football and Studying at Riverside City College. I haven’t been back to Australia since I came here but hopefully I can head back at the end of this year to see my family and friends!