Well, that’s a wrap on the 2023 Junior Council year!
Jack Carroll from Year 11 along with Teagan Crawley and Madison McGregor from Year 10 were lucky enough to participate in the Gold Coast City Junior Council program for this year. This program starts from Year 10 and the students chosen continue on though to the end of Year 11.
Through this, students are able to experience two years of amazing opportunities. The Gold Coast City Junior Council program is a wonderful program that allowed two students from Year 10 and two students from Year 11 from different schools to come together to share their ideas about how they can improve the city of Gold Coast for all the youths living here. This program provides an amazing opportunity for these students to participate in various volunteering events, workshops and other amazing hands-on opportunities.
All the students meet four times a year to discuss upcoming events or listening to councillors speak about real issues in the community. This program provides students with the opportunity to have meaningful conversations with our local Gold Coast City Council members and creates inspiring experiences for the students. This program also teaches the students valuable skills that they will need throughout their life such as networking, public speaking, problem solving and many more.
Any students who are currently in Year 9 will be eligible to apply in a few weeks, so if you would love to gain or develop these skills or think that this could be connected to your future career path, it would be an amazing opportunity to apply for!
– Teagan Crawley Year 10)

As seen from left to right: Madison McGregor, Jack Carroll, Teagan Crawley