National Schools Constitutional Convention

Next week, our very own Ayati Gor will be travelling to Old Parliament House, Canberra, where she will be among 120 year 11 and 12 students from around Australia attending the 30th National Schools Constitutional Convention (NSCC), being held at the Museum of Australian Democracy.

The aim of MSCC is to provide senior students with an opportunity to become better informed about how Australia’s Constitution provides a democratic framework and encourages them to take an active interest in the operation of government. The topic for the 2025 Convention is, ‘Revisiting Sections 51ii and 90 to Reimagine Australia’s Fiscal Federalism’.

Ayati will spend two days hearing from experts as they debate the main issues relating to the topic, and vote in a mock referendum conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission. She will also get the opportunity to visit Parliament House, a meeting with the Governor-General, Her Excellency the Honourable Ms Sam Mostyn AC at Government House, and attend a dinner at the National Press Club of Australia.

Congratulations Ayati for this incredible achievement and we hope you enjoy your trip to the 2025 National Schools Constitutional Convention!

Thank you to the National Schools Constitution Convention for the information provided!